Lamarre is 23 years old, and lives in Leogane, Haiti.
Lamarre occupies his time by volunteering with Resilience International, by translating, teaching English and French, teaching older people how to read, and training people in his community about hygiene. Lamarre also helps with different activities in his community, such as the church and youth club.
What is Lamarre's hope for Haiti?
"My hope is to see a new Haiti, to see one day that Haiti is developed in all aspects: economic, social, cultural, political, etc. In order to develop Haiti, we need to know how to develop a country: what are the main things we need to start first."
And his plan for Haiti?
"To see a nice Haiti, a new Haiti, where you can find employment, where you find security, where everybody can go to school, where you can see good places, where you find health care, where there is no trash, where everybody wants to live in, where you find big companies, big industries that are producing in the country, where you find good roads, etc. To achieve that, I need people who have the desire, people who are committed, and people who love Haiti: the first step is to love Haiti.
After studying, I will convince other people about the importance of developing Haiti and put them together to see how everybody can be part of the development of Haiti."