Will you help us put over 20 aspiring students in classes this Fall?
The school year is right around the corner, and we really need your help in order to get all of our applicants in classrooms.
In the month of August, gather your friends and/or family for a beach BBQ, a game night, or any other gathering, and ask them each to pitch in between $15-$20 to help support an aspiring student in Haiti. As the saying goes, "many hands make the load lighter." The more people you can get involved, the less each needs to pitch in to reach $300 (the average cost of one full year of tuition and registration).
Want to know who you, your friends and family will be supporting? Check out a small background on each of our applicants: 2011 Fall Applicants.
So how can you help?
Talk to your friends and family about Haiti Scholarships
Let them know who they'll be helping
Pick a date for your event, and invite your friends and family
Let others know what you're doing: email us at haitischolarships@gmail.com, and post some details about your event on Facebook: maybe you'll inspire others to do the same!
On the day of the event, you can either have friends and family make a check out to Haiti Scholarships, or collect money and write one check to send to Haiti Scholarships.
Enjoy spending time with friends and family!